Thursday, July 28, 2011

Talkey Talk

Jamie, after finding a lima bean under the couch "This thing is hard as a rock" in which Juju responds "No, Daddy, that's a bean!"

During dinner Jubilee started singing twinkle twinkle and then ABCs so I said "Are you going to go into concert mode now?"
Juju "Yep. The Itsy Bitsy SPIIIIIDER...(insert itsy bitsy spider and Jesus Love Me here)'s time to eat..."

Justice has been saying "hi" with an adorable little wave and "momma" when prompted : )

Me: It is just one of those days I want to go sulk over a chinese buffet
Stac: Yea me and Dave do that..we go to Applebees and just cry into our fajitas

Rachel Parrish (who is pregnant as well and HAD been craving quesidillas last week) : I have been craving EVERYTHING peach!
Me: Ok...Come over here and Ill make you a peach quesidilla...hahahahahah
Rachel P: Ya know that could work!

Jamie to Meatball(our loving cat): Fine dude...I see how ya are...I try to kiss you and you run away like every other man in my life (it's a joke.....)

Me: Babee I am just so blessed that God gave you to me
Jamie: No hunny...God's the one who blessed me, trust me
(*sigh* He is amazing and makes me melt!)

1 comment:

Stac-face said...

Haha, love these! I should start doing posts like these. :)