Sunday, September 5, 2010

Not Ideal....

*There may be some emotional moments in this posting, or things that make you say...uhm no thank having kids. You have been warned! ; ) *

SO the weekend before Justice came, Jamie and I decided we needed to take Jubilee on an outing...kind of a last time being just the three of us and just giving her attention before her new Sissy came. We took Juju to Lamb's Farm...a place that really pulls at my heart strings. Lamb's Farm is a place that employs and supports individuals with disabilities. Juju had so much fun! They have a petting zoo, putt putt, train ride, bakery, pet store, and cafe.....which brings me to the beginning of a nightmare.

We decided to eat at the cafe for lunch...and Jamie and myself woke up the next morning both sick as poisoning. Yuck. We stuck Juju in her high chair in front of the TV with food and cartoons and we both slept in our recliners until my parents came. Around 8 or 9 Jamie was finally able to keep some Gatorade down...unfortunately I did not keep anything down, which sent me into labor at 1 in the morning. SO hardly even visiting with my parents we left Jubilee with them and went to the ER where I was admitted for 8 hours. Even after two bags of IV fluids I was still dehydrated but labor had subsided (apparently dehydration can send a pregnant lady into labor.) They allowed me to go home for a day. Literally 24 hours. Then back to the hospital.

I had a hard time in prep for surgery. I didn't like the spinal they gave me to numb me and i definitely didn't like that fact that I couldn't move once I had it. Last time when I had my epidural Jamie was right there but this time it was just me in the OR. Freaky. I tried to be really strong but I'm just not that strong of a person. I remember just laying on the table trying with all my might not to freak out and tears just running down my cheeks. Jamie FINALLY came in after what felt like a life time. I don't know what I would have done without him...what would I do without being able to draw strength and courage from him? I found myself telling him I didn't know if I could ever do this again. I don't know why I was so scared this time compared to last time.

Surgery took about an hour and I finally heard Justice's little voice. It was hard being able to see her but not be able to hold her. She was so swollen and puffy. Jamie's eyes got red as he held her and I could tell he was getting choked up. They took her to the nursery assuring me I would see her right after recovery.

Recovery hour came and we went and a couple more hours passed and by this time I was pretty much telling my nurses to GET MY KID! I can't tell you the feeling I felt when I was finally able to hold her. I didn't really know what to expect because this entire pregnancy has been so surreal to me. But Justice=bliss...she is amazing.

As soon as she came I called my parents SOOOO excited that they would finally be able to come and see her, only to find out that my Mom was sick and wouldn't be able to come that night. I was devastated but decided it would be OK and tomorrow would be better. Unfortunately the next day (Tues) my Dad was sick. So they came for an hour that evening...just to look at her and unable to hold her. My parents left that night and that was the last I saw them before they went home. They were unable to hold Justice and I wasn't even able to hug or kiss my dad goodbye. I have tears in my eyes every time I think about it. (In fact I am crying right now re-living this stuff).

I know things could have been a lot worse....I am so thankful because my baby girl and myself are good and we are healthy. But it is so hard that no one has really wanted/or have been able to come see us. His Dad and Brother have a lot going on, his mom is in Alabama and my Brother is in Korea....I don't really expect many others to come and see us. So it makes me upset that the two people who were able to come/ made such a huge effort to come....were hardly able to see us or Justice. The upside is that they spent LOTS AND LOTS of time with Jubilee and I know that was precious to them. Thankfully my good friend Rachel came for a couple of days and that helped for sure. I miss my parents though and just can't wait for November to get here so I can see them and my brother.

Sometimes I get lonely out here in the burbs....especially with one vehicle and limited friends in the area. I know tomorrow is going to be a hard day (Jamie starts his new job). BUT I am going to try my very hardest to stay focused on all the positive tomorrow. Two amazing little girls, an amazing husband, a wonderful church family, a van : ), jobs, shelter, food, health....we really are blessed. I just need to keep all of that in mind when I feel so far away from the ones I love.


Melanie said...

Sorry that things were "not ideal," but I'm so excited for you and Jamie and your growing family. WOOHOO!!

Jessica May Lords said...

None of that makes me scared of having kids. OMGmom's blog does though. Have you read her stuff? She tells it like it IS. Scary.

Here's the first part of her birth story:

Annnnd this totally freaked me out: