Monday, February 14, 2011

When I Look Into the Future...

I see packages of Karma that come in the form of my two daughters
Jubilee: Is so DRAMATIC! Yes, she totally gets this from me. I have always been a little passionate and overbearing in my causes and in my distressful moments. For goodness sakes I was just like that little fish from Nemo "I'm obnoxious!" YES...I told people that. Jubilee is also very accident prone. Running over people, crashing into walls and desks, tripping over things that if she would have just looked up she would have known were there. BUT she is also very outgoing and very loving (when her temper hasn't kicked in) She would do anything for anyone, always says please and thank you and wants to be a good person. I love that about her. She is definitely 2 going on 5. Sometimes I forget she is only 2 and feel I can be a little hard on her. She is doing all of these "big girl" things and talking and singing and calling her father Jamie (totally figured that one out herself) and I just want her to know why we cant stay up screaming while her sissy is sleeping in the room with her, or why we don't eat our books. : ) I cant imagine what I am in for when she is 13....or 19.

Justice: is so peaceful and happy. Until she needs something like food or sleep and then without any kind of warning she breaks down. It's like she knows its coming but holds it in until she just cannot take it anymore and basket case/temper just streams out of her! This is definitely a Jamie characteristic and even Guy and Ricky....While I am more than willing to talk about my feelings over and over again, and over analyze them and squeeze allll the drama out of them (Jubilee), Jamie needs time to himself and just would rather not be mad unless absolutely necessary. As I said, you can find similar traits in her two uncles. I also see her looking at Jubilee running and playing and I see her longing to be that big. You can just tell...she wants to be right there with her. I will often tell Juju to play with her sister, but she is too busy...I really really hope that this will only be until Jusi can crawl around. Now I see how much I probably broke my parents and Guy's heart when I didn't want to hang out with him or just wanted to be my older independent self. I think Justice will always try to be older than she is, to keep up with her sissy. I mean look at the girl, she is already standing with help and wants nothing to do with sitting or rolling. : )
We shall see what happens...I love them both so much

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