Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sorry : (

Hey Ya'll,

 SO SORRY that I have no been keeping up! Between my hilarious kiddos, the nice weather, my aching tummy and house work...I have managed to NOT keep up with my blog

So I am feeling better at this moment than I was this morning, it is raining out, and my children are watching a movie. SO I grabbed a glass of homemade blackberry lemonade and sat down to keep up! Yes, homemade blackberry lemonade...way yummo...

For a 2 quart pitcher I took a carton of blackberries and dumped sugar on them and let them sit in the fridge for about 6 hours...stirring them once in a while and kind of meshing them with my spoon. When I was ready I got out two lemons, rolled them and squeezed them (through a slotted spoon to catch the seeds) added the blackberry juice (it is best to have some kind of tool to sift...I did not so I do have some blackberry pieces in my drink, honestly I like it that way) fill the pitcher up with water...add sugar and lemon juice to taste if needed. I want to try this with raspberries but they seem to be double the price of blackberries.)

ANYWAY here's to catching up and sorry if I've kept any of you waiting : )

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