Friday, May 27, 2011

Guy Time

WELL right after we came home from Michigan, we were able to hang out with Guy. Our time was filled with random visits to his friends as well as mine, cooking out, being lazy and sooome shopping (not much). He was only able to stay 3 days but I will get to see him on Sunday with the rest of my immediate (minus Jamie:( ) and all my dad's family! WOOT! I am happy I can go, I wasn't going to as it is a tight month but I had several people offer to help me get there.(Thank you Lord for the little blessings like that) I am so relieved I can see them Sunday. I was having trouble thinking that was all the time I had with my family. ALSO Jamie's Mama is coming soon so that will be lots of fun! And then my Aunt Cindi will be stopping by for a day too! AND THEN it's time for Gaitlinburg...holy cow! So I will try to keep up with the blogging but you may only see me here and there : )

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