Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Resurfacing Regrets

Sometimes you do things that you regret and when you think you are past it, or you think it is over, it can resurface. It can resurface when you feel like you are living your life for the Lord and that you have overcome these things. How do you deal with past regrets?

My family has some financial regret, things we wish we could change, things we would do differently and now we see where we have consequences for it years later. All of this resurfaced this last week. While I know we dealt with out regret in the best way, and I know that we did everything we could still hurts and is still hard to face this.

When I reflecting on all this I realized sometimes I feel guilty still over past relationships, or the way I lived life in the past. I am noticing that it can be a pattern with me to feel bad or feel lack of closure. I find myself thinking, why was I so stupid and how can I ever make up for that.

This song by Tenth Avenue North is awesome. I have heard it before but just never listened to all the words till the other day and it just broke down all my walls. God is in control and while we have past regrets and present consequences, it does not change the fact that we are forgiven no matter what. It does not change the fact that God loves us and purifies us. We still have to go on through the consequences and deal with it in the right way. I remember my mom telling her friends one time that God hurts when we hurt "You tell your children not to put their hand on a stove, but they do anyway. You told them not to for a reason and now you cry because they cry." It is the perfect metaphor.

You may have regrets that are far more than finances or that other people may think are petty. But to you they are personal and to God they are also. He knows your heart. Just break down your walls and let the healing begin.

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